Introducing the People of CISS: Dr Glen Saunders AM

Dr Glen Saunders AM has more than 40 years’ experience in pest animal management and research.

In that time he has conducted extensive research with particular focus on improving management strategies for invasives species.

His professional qualifications include a PhD from Bristol University (UK) and a Masters of Science from Macquarie University.

Dr Saunders has held a wide range senior research and management leadership roles in both NSW DPI and the Invasive Animals CRC, including as Director of Invasive Plants and Animals and as Senior Principal Research Scientist in NSW DPI and Director of Research in the Invasive Animals CRC.

He has also been the Past President of the Australasian Wildlife Management Society (AWMS) and has served on many committees which have successfully guided invasives species management activities both nationally and internationally.

In 2010, Dr Saunders was awarded the  Medal of the Order of Australia for service to the protection of Australia’s biodiversity and agricultural production as a research leader in vertebrate pest management strategies and technologies and the winner of the Australian Wildlife Management Society Graeme Caughley Medal in 2007.