Create a Legacy Through Your Will

Leaving a gift in your will is a planned future donation to a charity through your estate

You may consider leaving:

  • a specific amount of money
  • a percentage of your estate
  • the whole of your estate or the residue of your estate after you have made gifts to friends and family
  • other assets such as property, shares and works of art.

Leaving a gift in your will is a big decision but easier than you think

If you are making a will, we recommend you seek legal advice and inform your family of your decision.

If you already have a will, consider simply adding a codicil (a new clause that alters the original will to make allowances for your additional wish).

People leaving a gift in their will, often have areas that they are very passionate about. Whether that is preserving Australia’s environment, protecting threatened species, supporting agriculture or improving biosecurity, we encourage you to contact our Fundraising Manager to discuss your wishes and make sure that the Trust can use your gift in a way that honours your wishes.

The following wording is a general guide for you and your legal adviser:

I give [my estate] or [portion/the residue of my estate] or [the sum of $____] to the Invasive Species Solutions Trust (ABN 58 144 836 077). I express the wish without creating a binding trust that the funds be used and applied for the purposes of ………………. or if the purpose no longer exists then for a similar purpose at the discretion of the Invasive Species Solutions Trustees. I declare that the receipt of the authorised officer of the Invasive Species Solutions Trust for the gift shall be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.

Please contact us at or phone +612 6201 2887 to discuss how your generosity can reduce the impact of invasive species on our environment our native animals or primary producers.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some questions we’re frequently asked that may help inform your thinking.

Why do I need a will?

A will is a legal and binding document that protects and shares your legacy according to your wishes. Every person over the age of 18 should have a will.

Can I make a gift in my will to more than one charity?

Yes, your solicitor can arrange this for you.

Do I need to leave my entire estate to the Invasive Species Solutions Trust?

No, you don’t have to, and we strongly encourage you to ensure that your family and loved ones are looked after first and discuss your decision with them.

Should I let someone at Invasive Species Solutions Trust know that I have left a gift?

Yes, by letting us know we can ensure that your generosity is used to support the areas of our work that you are most interested in.

Can I remain anonymous?

Yes, simply advise us, or your solicitor, of your wishes.

Can my gift be made in someone’s memory?

A legacy gift is a wonderful way for either your passion or that of a family member or mentor to be remembered. If used as a scholarship or annual grant, your donation can be named in your or another’s honour.

I have already made my will, is it too late to change it?

No. Changing your will and adding a gift to the Invasive Species Solutions Trust is easy. All you have to do is make a ‘codicil’ (or a document that amends a previous executed will) when you next see your solicitor. Just take a copy of our wording with you and they can update your existing will for you.

We know that leaving a gift in your will is not an easy decision. And we appreciate the time and consideration that you need to put towards this significant decision. While we are not able to give you legal advice, the Trust is happy to provide you with information on how a gift in your will can make an extraordinary difference to our environment, both now and in the future.

Please feel free to email with any questions you may have.

A living will

When a donor chooses to make a substantial gift, either to an existing endowed gift, or to create an endowed gift in its own right, it is known as a living will. An endowed gift is a sum of money where the entire amount is invested, and the annual earnings of that gift are used to support a particular cause. For example, an amount of $10,000 could earn approximately $500 per year. The $500 can then be offered as a grant on an annual basis in perpetuity.

An increasing number of Australians are choosing to support causes that they are passionate about by making a substantial gift during their lifetime. By giving to the Invasives Species Solutions Trust in this way, you will be able to see the results of your gift. Knowing the positive impact your donation is having now, and on the future of the environment, is an immensely fulfilling feeling!

To discuss how you can make a living will,
please call us on +612 6201 2887
or email

Thank you for sharing our passion to restore and preserve Australia’s natural environments.