The Centre for Invasive Species Solutions works with Australia’s leading researchers to understand the benefits of managing invasive species and the impacts they have on our environment, native animals and primary production.
We develop solutions to improve the detection and monitoring of invasive species, inform the response of authorities to new incursions, and control pest animals.
We develop research pipelines that support the creation of new genetic and biocontrol technologies.
We translate invasive species science into practical information that informs the management of pest animals and weeds.
And our team of national coordinators – National Wild Dog Management Coordinator, National Feral Cat and Fox Management Coordinator and National Rabbit Management Coordinator – drive community adoption of best practices, tools and technologies.
Find out moreVisit PestSmart, our website providing knowledge, planning and decision support tools on best practice pest animal management in Australia.
Visit Weeds Australia, our new website designed to connect you with knowledge to make informed decisions about managing invasive weeds within Australia.
Visit FeralScan, our community mapping program to support your pest animal management planning, monitoring and evaluation.
Visit WeedScan, Australia’s first AI weed identification and management app for the smarter way to protect our environment, farms and communities from priority weeds.
Visit Community Invasives Action for resources tailored for those involved in coordinating community-led action.
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