FeralScan community mapping and monitoring program
Information correct as of December 2020
Farmers and community groups can now use smart phones and mobile devices to record pest animal activity in their local area into the highly popular FeralScan website using the latest technology.
The FeralScan program (www.feralscan.org.au) provides an innovative technology to assist landholders and community groups to record pest animal activity, and enables them to use data to prioritise and plan pest control campaigns, and monitor control outcomes.
The program can be adopted anywhere across Australia, and its database now contains more than 250,000 records of pest animal sightings, photos and damage reports, making it the single largest community-developed pest database in Australia.
Famers and landholders can use the FeralScan App in remote areas to document the location of pest animals and their control programs, and can easily print maps of their collated data to coordinate with their neighbours across a broader landscape.
FeralScan received a prestigious Banksia Award in late 2016 for its achievements in Research and Science Excellence. Over 25,000 people are now users of the program and the App has been downloaded more than 13,000 times. New alert notifications are also now helping landholders to notify their neighbours and local biosecurity authorities of significant incidents, ensuring a prompt response to pest animal threats.
New technology has also enticed over 350 landholder and community groups to use FeralScan to help them map, plan and prioritise management activities.