
PestSmart started as a printed toolkit in 2012 with a series of factsheets, case studies and guides which were handed out at roadshows across the country.
In 2015, the toolkits were transferred into a PestSmart website which showcased the culmination of ten years of information gathering and research through the Invasive Animals CRC.
The website has planning guides, standard operating procedures, case studies and lots of information on best practice pest animal management, along with video resources and ways to connect with people in your local region.
The online platform provides practical knowledge to arm farmers and land managers with the information and connections they need to combat pest animals.
The PestSmart website features pest animal species that are a having a major impact on biodiversity and agriculture in Australia including wild dogs, foxes, feral cats, rabbits and carp. It also directly links to our FeralScan citizen science surveillance program and to our online training programs.
The PestSmart website has a major upgrade in 2020 and a brand new interface was launched in September 2020.
The site now contains 16 pest animal management toolkits to support pest animal managers take action.