Status: Terminated

Start date: 26 May 2016

Completion date: 31 March 2018

Project code: A-006

Species/Threats: European rabbits


This project is a legacy from initial research funded through the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre. The outcome of this project was to develop a highly portable carbon monoxide fumigator, as a new agricultural product for rabbit management.

In 2017, the project received funding, to undertake further assessments and field trials of the product. However, due to a series of insurmountable engineering challenges the project was terminated in early 2018 by mutual agreement. The device was unable to meet the minimum requirement of 6% CO (± 0.5%) (based on Gigliottti 2009) that could be sustained long enough to have an effect within burrows. The best result achieved to date is 4.2% CO for about 4 minutes.

Project team

Dr Simon Humphreys

Project Lead

Bill Aylett

This project was supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources through an external research grant separate to Portfolio No. 1 project funding.

Scientific publications & reports

Gigliotti F, Marks CA and Busana F (2009) Performance and humaneness of chloropicrin, phosphine and carbon monoxide as rabbit-warren fumigants Wildlife Research 36(4), 333-341.